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© Sylvain HOUPERT

See the paths of ringed Flamingos on Google Earth

This page allows you to easily see on Google Earth where your ringed Flamingos have been seen.
You need to have Google Earth installed on your computer to see the results. If you do not, you can download it here.
Just upload the .pdf file containing the life-histories of Flamingos, and then, download the results.

What do you want to do ? (required)
See all the places where "your" birds have been seen
See individual paths

Check this box if you want to download a zipped file

Input file (.pdf file - max 2Mo - only letters and cyphers) :
  (please wait while uploading and processing the file)


You may encounter some problems when trying to upload a file :
- An error 500 page : it means the server is too busy to do its work. The server may be too lazy too !
- A blank page : it appears sometimes. Similar cause than error 500
- A message "No coordinates found". Please check the type of rings chosen for the file you sent (see examples)

Example of result "all the places" (Med Gulls) :Example of result "individual path" for one bird (Med Gull):
See all the places your birds have been seen Path of 3KN0

If the life-history of your birds looks like that, it means it contains "French & Italian birds" :
03.05.1993 ADH - Etg. du Fangassier - Bouches-du-Rhone - FRANCE (N43°25'40", E04°37'44") Couveur, oeuf vu 	Pete SAMPRESSE 743
07.06.1993 ADH ­ Etg. du Fangassier - Bouches-du-Rhone - FRANCE (N43°25'40", E04°37'44") A la colonie  		André AGACE 743
10.06.1993 ADH ­ Etg. du Fangassier - Bouches-du-Rhone - FRANCE (N43°25'40", E04°37'44") A la colonie 		Yannick NOIX 743
30.03.1994 ADH ­ F Etg. du Fangassier - Bouches-du-Rhone - FRANCE (N43°25'40", E04°37'44") En couple 		Jaime COURIR 743
If it does not look like this, or if is does not work, please contact me.

Links - Similar processing of life-histories

- Mediterranean Gull
- Brant